Texas Mouflon Ram Hunting

Texas Mouflon ram are extremely wary animals. They have great eyesight and hearing. The Buck Horn Ranch mouflon heard is 100% mouflon Ram. We do not have crossbred animals.

The mouflon sheep traditionally have red-brown short-haired coats, with a dark black stripe and white accents. Mouflon Rams horns are curved almost one full revolution and some cross breeds complete a full curl plus.

At the Buck Horn Ranch, mouflon rams can be hunted by rifle, bow, crossbow, pistol, and black powder.  The ranch also offers additional ram hunting packages for Hawaiian Black Rams, Texas Dall Rams and Coriscan Rams.

Contact us or more information on our Texas Mouflon Ram packages.

Mouflon Ram All-Inclusive Hunting Packages: $5,500